Deorie Buckmire

Flight Attendant, East Orange, New Jersey

Sometime last spring, I was having a bit of a strange episode with my body. After visiting 2 different doctors I was told that it was SCLE, a form of skin lupus. I was also told that I’d need to take medicine for the rest of my life. Hesitant to do to, I was now in search of the most natural way to control or minimize the outbreaks from the lupus.  In speaking to Madame Chang about a totally different matter, my issue was brought up in conversation. She informed me that there was no need for me to worry.  We would take care of it the best way possible.

Under her direction I started to cleanse the body over a 5 day period.

Following, I paid close attention to the foods that were helpful to me, avoiding those that were harmful. It is exactly one year since that incident, and the care of Madame Chang and I am extremely happy to say that all is still well.

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